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St. Luke’s — Outdoor Worship – 5pm – Sunday August 30

Where?  In Anne’s Garden with overflow seating available in the Children’s Garden and people may participate from their car in the parking lot.

Reservations are Strongly Recommended:  We need to collect information for contact tracing and we ask you to fill out the Covid19 questionnaire.  It is best to complete this paperwork in advance.  However, you may walk-in and fill out the questionnaire when you arrive.  Many have been looking for an outdoor service, so we cannot guarantee space for walk-ins.

Improving Ease of Reservations:  The seat request form and COVID-19 questionnaire to fill out are now in text format not PDF (PDF also available here Reservation Form and COVID-19 Questionnaire) so that they easily completed with any device or software.   Or you can call the office to make a reservation.  To reserve your spot call: 908-234-0002 and speak to Regina or email your completed seat request form and questionnaire to our 5pm Reservation email.  NOTE THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN THE SUNDAY MORNING RESERVATION EMAIL.

Email us at 5pmStLukesRes@gmail.com

Safety: All participants outside of their cars are required to wear masks.  We will practice social distancing, with seats placed six feet apart.  Communion will be distributed to one family grouping at a time, and we ask you to keep your mask up until you return to your seat and consume the bread there.  We continue to be cautious to minimize the risk of anyone contracting Covid19 from attending a St. Luke’s Worship service.

Other Useful Information:  We hope to include live music from some members of the St. Luke’s Intersect Praise Team and utilize the big screen tv as well.  There will be speakers so that everyone can hear, even in the parking lot.  And we are hoping to livestream also.

Questions?  Contact Kent – rectorstlukesgladstone@gmail.com or 908-334-2942.



September 20, 2020
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

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