Bell Choir - St. Luke's Episcopal Church - 182 Main Street, Gladstone, NJ 07934The St. Luke’s Bell Ringers are a dedicated, multi-generational group of musicians who enjoy the beautiful sound of hand bells.

In 2013, a proper Bell Choir was formed and it has become a regular feature of our worship. About once a month, positioned in Anne’s Chapel, it plays at the 9:30 service on Sundays.

Practices are held in the Bell Tower on Tuesday evenings at 7:30. The Bell Choir rings a three octave set of Schulmerich bells and a recently acquired three octave set of Malmark Handchimes.

In addition, it has raised money for new music racks, mallets, and new gloves, and it is already beginning to purchase a fourth octave of its hand bells. The Bell Choir is dynamic, but relaxed. While the bell ringers work hard to create lovely music for worship, they also enjoy the process.

If you are interested in joining the Bell Choir, contact Katherine Newcomer at Or call her at 908-625-0043.

“If you can read music we can teach you to ring bells!”

Be Still My Soul