You’re Invited- Try Alpha Online

WHAT is Alpha?


Alpha is a series of online sessions exploring the basics of Christian faith

  • Is there more to life?
  • Who is Jesus?
  • How can I have faith?

Each weekly session starts with watching an inspiring video followed by relaxed and informal discussion time designed to create great conversations on Zoom

WHY Alpha?

People come on the Alpha course for many different reasons. Some want to investigate whether God exits, and some have questions they’d like to discuss. Many guests have never been to church, and others have attended but feel that they have never had a personal understanding of the Christian faith. Isn’t it time you got answers? Join us and invite a friend to join too.

WHEN is Alpha?

Starting Tuesday January 19th

For 11 weeks- through March 30th

7:00 PM- 8:30 PM

Register here!

Full Weekly Schedule

Winter Alpha 2021 is hosted in partnership between St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Gladstone and St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Basking Ridge.

For more information, please contact Annette Barrelet via email at [email protected] or text 973.570.8028